Support Animal Resolution
On December 20, 2023, Council passed the resolution below regarding support animals.
Under this resolution, support animals, including service dogs (e.g. seeing eye dogs) and emotional support animals (animals that provide comfort and support) are only permitted to the degree required by law.
To be approved for a support animal, residents must submit an annual letter from a health care provider who knows them well, certifying that they have a disability, and that the animal alleviates a symptom of the disability. Only current residents can make requests for support animals. We do not guarantee to prospective buyers than a future request will be approved.
Owners of service animals must ensure that they are well cared for, including being up to date on vaccinations, and being microchipped for identification. Cat owners must dispose of litter in the dumpster (not down the trash chute). Dog owners must submit a genetic sample for identification of the source of animal waste, if any is found.
Support animals may not threaten anyone or cause a nuisance. Service dogs are permitted anywhere in the building. Emotional support animals are only allowed in the freight elevator or the garage, to limit the impact on residents who have allergies.
Violations of these rules may lead to fines, or, in the case of sever or repeated violations, to revocation of permission for the animal.