Initial Bylaws of 1978

The initial version of the Bylaws were finalized on September 12, 1978.  

The first version of the Declaration was filed on March 14, 1978 and had two minor revisions.  The Version of the Declaration that was finalized on September 12, 1978 is shown below

The initial version of the Code of Regulations was filed on April 12, 1978 and had one minor revision, made on September 12, 1978, removing the prohibition on washers and dryers in units (but Council made a rule against it).


First Declaration - March 14, 1978

First version of the Declaration.

First Code of Regulations - April 12, 1978

First version of the Code of Regulations.

First Change to Declaration - May 3, 1978

Minor revision to Declaration, making minor changes to surveyor's coordinates.

First Final Bylaws - September 12, 1978

Another minor revision to the Declaration, reverting all the changes made on May 3, 1978, but changing a direction from north to south.

The only revision to the Code of Regulations was in Article XVI, removing the prohibition on washers and dryers in units.